
We generally provide our tutoring over the internet.

We generally provide our tutoring over the internet, but the tutors may meet students in person if the student and the tutor can agree to meet in a public place such as a library that is located near both the tutor and the student.

A Few Words About Us

Who We Are

AMAZING PROFESSORS™ was founded and is led by George Diianni, who is an adjunct professor at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell, where he has taught courses in Statistics, Accounting, and Economics. He has also taught a course in Finance at Nichols College. He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, and like all the tutors at AMAZING PROFESSORS™  he has very high ratings on a website where students get to rate their professors.

We welcome students of all countries, races, religions, and sexual orientations.

AMAZING PROFESSORS™ is a service of SuccessTutor